Morci-World – XV Morcillote 2024

📆 When: 31st of October – 3rd of November

🚩 Where: Hostel of Santibáñez de Zarzaguda (Burgos)

📩 Deadline to apply: SATURDAY 28th OF SEPTEMBER

The best event of AEGEE-BURGOS🤯 is here, reserve the date!


Members of other Antenae: 60€

Members of AEGEE Burgos: 50€

Event + member fee of AEGEE-Burgos: 65€

Fee includes:

  • Accommodation (3 nights)
  • Activities and workshops
  • All meals and breakfast
  • Transportation to Burgos for Friday’s activity in the city

Fee doesn’t includes:

  • Transportation to the hostel before the event
  • Transportation to the hostel after the event
  • Any other concept not detailed above


And we couldn’t present a MORCILLOTE without our beloved mascot, here’s Morciii!!!

Are you ready to come and meet her? If you have never participated in a Morcillote or have no idea what it is here is a small sample of past events….

We hope to see you all!!!


NOTE: We are aware that the dates of the event are the same as the Autumn Agora. During all the activities there will be a room set up so that anyone who needs it can attend the sessions.v

  • October 31st, Thursday:
    • Incoming – Meet the rest of the assistants to this birthday –
    • Random European night – A very special EN –
    • Musical battle
  • November 1st, Friday:
    • Burgos Fun Tour – Visit the city in a very special way
    • Paellada – Not a Burgos tradition but you’ll love it
    • The great Challenge – Are the streets of Burgos ready for this?
    • Aegee party night – Time to show your presents!
  • November 2nd, Saturday:
    • Orient yourself to the great treasure – There’s roumours about the one piece being seen in Santibañez –
    • Meet our gastronomy – We really like to eat here
    • Community games
    • The Great Ball – Bring out your finest outfit
  • November 3rd, Sunday:
    • Activity to be confirmed
    • Award ceremony
    • Closing of the event

And more activities to be confirmed!


Many thanks to everyone supporting us!